Ready to take

Your Business

to the Next Level?

Edgar Rodriguez

Edgar Rodriguez

Damien Brooks


Edgar instantly made it all click. Within just a few days of meeting him, and constructive guidance, my approach to business was changed forever. My business, and my professional relationships have flourished more than I ever imagined possible after his mentorship.

Master The Network

What You’ll Get During This

Complimentary Strategy Call

Book your call now and come prepared with 3 key areas you'd like to achieve, whether it's boosting sales, expanding your reach, or streamlining operations.

  1. Crystal-Clear Clarity on Your Goals:

    • We'll dive deep into your business, uncovering hidden potential to ensure your success. By the end of the call, you'll have a laser-sharp focus on what you want to accomplish.

  2. A Personalized Roadmap to Success:

    • Don't wait, secure your spot and let's craft a tailored strategy that maps out exactly how you'll reach your goals.

  3. Expert Insights and Guidance:

    • Benefit from years of experience and proven strategies. We'll be your sounding board,
      offering valuable insights and guidance every step of the way, ensuring you stay on track and avoid costly mistakes.

What You’ll Do Before the Call

Remember, this call is about YOU and YOUR business. Come prepared to ask questions, voice your concerns, and actively participate in shaping your strategic path. Having clear business aspirations will help us tailor the call effectively.

What Happens During the Call

We'll delve into key areas like your target audience,
value proposition,
marketing channels,
and financial health. Based on your insights,
we'll analyze your current approach and identify potential areas for improvement or growth.

What Changes After the Call

We'll discuss coaching options and resources to support your success beyond the call.This might include ongoing coaching sessions, recommended tools, or relevant learning materials. Invest in your business's success and your own growth as a leader!


About Edgar

Edgar Rodriguez isn't just a business coach, he's a

trusted guide and mentor with a wealth of experience to fuel your success. From entry-level employee to C-suite leadership, Edgar has walked the walk in every facet of business, including leadership, operations, sales, marketing, and team building. This diverse background allows him to understand your unique challenges and tailor strategies for explosive growth.

Driven by a desire to uplift communities, Edgar leverages his expertise as a certified business and executive coach to help entrepreneurs like you achieve more. His passion stems from his unwavering commitment to re-educating leaders and building stronger businesses.

A Marine at heart, Edgar enlisted right after 9/11, forging an unmatched foundation in discipline, focus, and resilience. He learned to set ambitious goals and conquer them through sheer determination. These experiences haven't faded, they fuel his coaching, empowering you to set clear, achievable objectives and providing the unwavering support you need to reach them.

In today's ever-evolving landscape, adaptability is key. Edgar's military training honed his ability to

navigate change with agility. He helps you identify market shifts, overcome obstacles, and turn unforeseen challenges into opportunities.

But leadership isn't just about individual success; it's about building powerful teams. Edgar's deep understanding of teamwork, honed in the Marines, translates into creating cohesive units within your organization. He coaches you to unlock the collaborative potential of your team, propelling your business forward with united force.

Edgar Rodriguez isn't just a coach, he's your partner in achieving business dominance. Trust his experience, his passion, and his unwavering commitment to see you succeed.

Why We Recommend Having a

Free Consultation Call

Finding the right fit!

Free insights and advice:

Even in a short call, a good coach can offer valuable insights into your business challenges and suggest initial steps you can take.This provides pre-coaching value and demonstrates their expertise.

Understanding program details:

Many coaches offer different coaching packages.The call clarifies pricing, structure, duration, and what each package entails, allowing you to make an informed decision about potential investment.

Testing commitment:

Before investing in a full coaching program, the call shows you both if you're genuinely committed to working

together.It's a low-pressure environment to clarify expectations and ensure alignment.

Dave Burlin


After the first meeting I had with Edgar, he intentionally connected me to 3 of the most valuable people in his network. Since that time, he has been a valuable resource to at least a dozen people I have connected with through him.



Edgar and his methodology have helped me tremendously in my business. He’s been an excellent resource on my journey toward becoming an effective leader and better business owner. I recommend Edgar to anyone looking to accelerate their business and leadership skills.



I was lacking in good communication skills and people’s negative perception of me was seriously limiting my business growth. My mentor recommended Coach Edgar to me for both these areas. Through Edgar’s coaching, I’ve learned a completely different style of communication skills and now have a solid portfolio of new techniques which significantly improved the culture of my business. My team has noticed a positive difference in my interactions with them.

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Elevate Your Business!